Bun's Miscellaneous

Bun's Miscellaneous
The third of my sites. My first site is personal, the second about the pub, this site is for anything that takes my fancy..

My Music


Wednesday 15 March 2017

Triban Morgannwg (9)


Glandwr a'r cylch yw'r gwaetha
Ar darth a mwg 'mhob simla,
Aroglau mawr a chymyl du -
Mae'n debyg i Gehenna.

Hen Bennill (9)


Mwyn, a mwyn, a mwyn yw merch,
A mwyn iawn lle rhoddo'i serch;
Lle rho merch ei serch yn gynta',
Dyna gariad byth nid oera.

Rampage & Revel (9)

Rampage & Revel
The Lovespoon

In days gone by, a lad too shy
To tell his love too soon
Would by this sign say, Please be mine:
He'd give his girl a spoon.

With tender heart he'd carve each part,
The handle, stem and bowl.
With a deft knife he'd claim a wife
And win her loving soul.

Each symbol clear would tell his dear
The hopes his mind delighted;
The twisted stem meant both of them
Would always be united.

The Wheel vowed work, he wouldn't shirk
To build a cosy nest,
Of luck the crescent Horseshoe spoke,
The Key said home is best.

The Soul, the Heart declared the part
That gladly he'd forgo,
Each little Ball would tell her all
Their children in a row.

The merry Bell of marriage spoke,
He'd lead her to the altar,
The Shield, protection stout as oak,
His faith would never falter.

And as they walked, and as they talked
Beneath the country moon
Her blush would glow, for well she'd know
The message of the spoon.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Quatre Poires (9)

Quatre Poires
La veille de la Saint-Jean (Noz derc'hent Gouel Yann)

La nuit la plus courte. La nuit du jour le plus long.
Dix heures! La nuit ne vient pas.
Toute chose visible dans les lointains.
Le ciel moitié couleur de deuil:
Un bleu pourpre clairsemé, éteint, ineffable,
Couleur de secret. Couleur de nostalgie
Couleur de souvenir.

Claire la lune. Tres blanche
- Les étoiles restent invisibles. -
La nuit prend un air rêveur
Nostalgie - lugubre assurément -
Des habitudes tombées dans le passé.
Clarté et bonheur d'autrefois
Des soirées de veille de la saint-Jean.
Dans les campagnes bretonnes, les petits bourgs.
Des flammes d'un rouge vif s'élevaient de chaque village.
L'odeur de la fumée dans l'air nocturne.
Les cris perçants des enfants
Juchés sur les talus
Sur les hauteurs
Ils comptent les feux de joie
Tout autour.

Coutumes disparues.
Auxquelles les jeunes d'aujourd'hui
Renocent trop aisément.
- Ou est-tu, jeunesse remuante?
- A l'école, à te detruire (en attendant l'exil)
Dans une culture contraire à l'esprit de ton peuple.

Ce soir seulement au-dessus de la vallée
Un feu tranquille. Un feu froid:
La lune claire,
Dans sa Plénitude
Etincelant sur la lande.
Veille de la saint-Jean...

Mythologie Celte

9) Arthur vainc les Saxons en Galles et en Armorique; en Irlande, il s'empare du Chaudron Magique de Diwrnach-le-Gaël; il chasse le Sanglier divin Twrch Trwyth, il triomphe encore des Saxons à Mont Badon ou il massacre 470 chefs; les rois d'Irlande et de Scandinavie lui prêtent hommage; il bat le tribun romain Flollo en Gaule qu'il partage entre Kei et Bedwyr puis retourne à Kaerllion-sur-Wysg ou il se fait couronner empereur.

Equivalents (9)

Kleiz - Cledd
Klemm - Claim
Kler - Cledr
Kleur - Clawr
Kleuz - Clawdd
Maengleuz - Maenglawdd
Klew - Clyw
Klewed - Clywed
Heglew - Hyglyw
Klezeñv - Cleddyf

I'm into a routine now so there's not a lot to write about, although I should add that friends from home called in to see me the other day; Gareth Westacott, Mike Davies, and John Page bringing me books on the history & heritage of Cymru/Wales. The book on Dewi Sant is particularly apt as on the second page of the acknowledgements is a photo of his statue in the church of Dirinon, co-incidentally a village I go through every day on my way to my treatment in Brest, it gets its name from his mother Non. On pages 110 & 111 there are photos of Non's grave-chapel, a wooden carving of her, her tomb and her holy well. Considering that the Breton chapels were a big part of my life for the 3 years I was out of work I missed this.  If you are reading this Gareth I won't be here friday as I have an extra appointment in Brest at 9:30 am to go with my regular treatment that same afternoon.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Krennlavar (8)

Ki skaotet en deus aon rak dour klouar
Ki skaotet a dec'h rak dour bervet
Nend eus ket a c'houari get ur c'hozh ki
An hini a ya da fustañ ar chas a goll e blas
An hini ' dec'h ' Goll e lec'h

Diarebion (8)

Nid rhodd,rhodd, oni bydd o fodd
Myn'd i gysgu 'run pryd â'r fuwch, a chodi gyda'r hedydd
Ni wyr, ni ddysg; ni ddysg, ni wrendy
Nerth eryr yn ei ylfin
Nerth unicorn yn ei gorn
Nerth sarph yn ei cholyn
Nerth hwrdd yn ei ben
Nerth arth yn ei phalfau
Nerth ci yn ei ddant
Nerth tarw yn ei ddwyfron
Nerth ysguthan yn ei hadenydd
Nerth gwraig yn ei thafod - whoops!

Two appointments this afternoon, 3:45pm & 4pm, both at the same hospital, a taxi ride away from each other. the first was my regular radio-wave treatment, my second was an MRI scan with headphones and music to cut out the noise; luckily I'm not claustrophobic as I was enclosed in a tube for half an hour.

Landmarks in Welsh History (8)

Series of Government reports partially blame the existence of the Welsh language for the social unrest. Pressure builds up to destroy Welsh and so bury Welsh nationhood. Banning of Welsh language from schools and vicious pr^paganda reduces proportion of Welsh-speakers in Wales from 90% in 1850 to 50% in 1900.

Triban Morgannwg (8)

O dos i lan i'r Cimla
Ty-llwyd a'i wyrddion gaea,
A thros Foel Hyrddod hynod wen
Cyn dod i ben dy siwrna.
               Ifan Morgan o Lyncorrwg

Hen Bennill (8)

Hen Bennill

Geiriau mwyn gan fab a gerais,
Geiriau mwyn gan fab a glywais;
Geiriau mwyn ynt dda tros amser,
A gwenithen y genethod.

Rampage & Revel (8)

Rampage & Revel
Owain Glyndwr (1415)

The harps are all silent, the flags are all furled,
And darkness has covered the face of the world.
From valley to valley the whisper has flown,
That dead is Prince Owain and empty his throne.
For fifteen long winters the struggle he bore
For freedom and justice, but now it's all o'er.
Sleep soundly, brave Owain, though battle was vain,
The time may well come when we'll call you again.

Like the shadows of clouds on the green hills of Wales
The centuries pass, but still linger the tales
Of a prince who rode foremost in Cymru's just fight,
And brought a proud nation from darkness to light.
For him the rains weep and the winter winds moan,
But the grave of our hero's forever unknown.
Sleep soundly, brave Owain, your time is not yet,
but your fight for our freedom no man will forget.

The centuries have passed but the battle's not done,
And the cause that he died for has yet to be won,
With his memory to stir us, his deeds to inflame,
We will conquer our freedom in Owain's great name,
Strike hard at the traitors and cleanse all the land
With the keen sword of vengeance we take from his hand.
Our country is calling, we strive for her sake,
Sleep soundly, Prince Owain, your sons are awake!

Quatre Poires (8)

Quatre Poires
Ogres (Roñfled)

Dans les contes de nos peres on parlait d'ogres:
Des ogres terrifiants, mangeurs d'hommes.
L'histoire parle d'espèces de fauves au fond
Des forêts: des mangeur d'hommes.
Quelle horreur et quel dégout d'y penser.
Cependant, parmi nous, tout près,
Il en est qui dévorent les autres. Tout crus, oui.
Des ogres qui sucent le sang jusqu'à la derniere goutte.
- Je ne peux pas croire qu'il existe parmi nous
Des gens aussi cruels, aussi lâches
Il faut que ce soient des insensés;
- l'esprit obscurci, ou plutôt le cœur.
Ils ne voient pas comme la vie des autres est difficile
Et ils attaquent, griffent, rongent, écorchent
L'autre jusqu'à son dernier sou.
Et toi, travaille si tu veux, jour et nuit, sans cesse
Comme une bête de somme. Pire.
Dimanche, fêtes, chaque jour sans répit,
Jusqu'au cimettière.
Eux par contre se promènent, roulent, font aller
l'éclair de leurs voitures par-ci, par-là,
ils courent après leur plaisir: les ogres.
Et toi, mon pauvre... Gare à toi si tu te trouves
sur leur route avec ta vieille carriole ou
ta vieille jument...
Prends garde!
On t'aplatira comme un oeuf, comme un
Tu vois bien que toute la route
est à eux...
Avec un peu de chance, pourtant, tu pourras
passer sous une bordée d'injures.
En français naturellement. Ca, c'est une langue civilisée.

Translated from the Breton by Paol Keineg.

Mythologie Celte (8)

Arthur/Arzur/Arthus (Cornwall, Galles, Armorique, île de Bretagne)
8)Puis Merlin instruit Arthur et l'informe de ses nouveaux devoirs:
- il doit combattre les Saxons afin de secourir Gogrvan Gawr; reçu par sa fille, il en devient amoureux; c'est Gwenhwyfar (Guenièvre qui deviendra la très christianisée sainte Geneviève) dont le nom signifie <<Blanc Fantôme>> et qui représente le principe même de la souveraineté sans lequel aucun roi n'est rien; ils s'épousent.

Equivalents (8)

Klaskiñ - Casglu
Klaz - Cladd
Kled - Clyd
Kleger - Clegyr
Kleis - Clais

Wednesday 8 March 2017

8:15 Taxi, 9am appointment in Morlaix, left hospital at 3:20pm for appointment in Brest at 2:55pm, had to be put back, back at the house at 5:55pm ready for the district nurse and the blood-sugar level and 2 insulin injections. In the mean time I entered the hospital, was shown my 2 place bedroom with 2 televisions, then told to see the specialist, after a long wait, back to the bedroom where a nurse fitted me up with the line to be fitted into a box inside my chest to receive the chemo-therapy. Four hours later after having my bread roll, pork with rice, yoghurt and cheese, I finished my book at the same time as the treatment, but before I could leave a nurse handed me a bottle in a small bag I have to wear as it gradually continues emptying a chemical dose into my body for another 2 days; away in the taxi to the hospital in Brest, they were warned I would be late, 15 minutes later radio-therapy over I was back in the taxi for an hour's drive eastwards..

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Krennlavar (7)

Ki besk ha kazh diskouarnet n'int mat nemet da zebriñ boued
Ki a vourc'h, kazh a vaner a vez hardizh e pep kêr
Hardizh ki en e di
Pep ki a zo mestr en e di
Pep kog a zle bout mestr en e bennc'hêr

Diarebion (7)

Melys bys pan losgo
Mwy nag un ci a'm cyfarthodd
Cludo dwfr mewn gogr
Mynych y syrth mefl o gesail
Heb ei fai heb ei eni

Landmarks in Welsh History (7)

New wave of attacks on Welsh. Report of Queen's Commission complains: "The people's ignorance of the English language practically prevents the working of the laws and institutions and impedes the administration of justice." Justice means Rule of brutal Employers, Landowners, Soldiers and Police - most of them English-speaking;
    Privy Council recommends that "a band of efficient schoolmasters is kept up at much less expense than a body of police and soldiery." So campaign mounted in Parliament, The Times, etc. to brainwash Welsh children with English language and history.

Triban Morgannwg (7)


Gan Ifan Morgan dirion
Hawddgara dan y Goron
Y cei di wybod 'nawr, wr mwyn,
Y ffordd i Lwynyffynnon.

Hen Bennill (7)


Blodau'r flwyddyn yw f'anwylyd,
Ebrill, Mai, Mehefin hefyd;
Llewyrch haul yn t'wynu ar gysgod,
A gwenithen y genethod.

Rampage & Revel (7)

Rampage & Revel
Cestyll y Cymry

Deganwy, Dinefwr, Dolbadarn,
Hen gestyll tywysogion ein gwlad,
Mae'r enwau yn canu fel utgyrn
Sy'n galw ein hil at y gad.

Y Bere ac Abergwyngregyn
Sy'n garnedd dan rhedyn a drain,
Ond yma bu farw ein dewrion,
Mae rhamant yn enwau y rhain.

Mor isel yw adfail Dolforwyn,
Mor uchel cwyd hen Ddinas Brân,
Mor unig a balch saif Mathrafal,
Maent yn rhoi ein heneidiau ar dân.

Hen gaerau ein rhyddid ers oesoedd,
Sy'n sibrwd o fynydd a chraig
Bydd pob rhagfur a thwred yng Nghymru
Yn cyhwfan hen faner y Ddraig.

Quatre Poires (7)

Quatre Poires
L'œil du Soleil (Lagad an Heol)

- Soleil! Pourquoi te lèves-tu si tard?
Et pourquoi as-tu l'œil si rouge?
As-tu fait cette nuit un cauchemar, qui t'a fait pleurer dans ton sommeil?
- Ni sommeil ni rêve ni bon ni mauvais.
J'ai veillé toute la nuit...
Tandis que l'occident frivole dormait sur les cendres grises de ses
lauriers j'ai fait le tour de la Terre.
Et j'ai vu des gens mourir de faim.
J'ai vu des gens mourir de froid.
J'ai vu des gens mourir de désespoir.
J'ai vu des gens s'entre-tuer, des freres s'étrangler.
J'ai vu des peuples opprimés.
J'ai vu un grand dirigeant tomber sous la balle d'un dément.
J'en ai vu beaucoup qui pleuraient:

Et j'ai continué, indifferent...

J'en ai vu cependant qui se moquait des gens dans la peine, des
gens dans la misere
Des gens sous le joug.

C'est alors que j'ai pleuré,
C'est pourquoi mon œil est rouge.

- Soleil! sèche tout de suite tes larmes!
La mer de Bretagne adoucira bientôt
Ton œil rouge et enflammé...

        Translated from the Breton by Paol Keineg

Equivalents (7)

Kil - Cil
Kildant - Cilddant
Kile - Cilydd
Egile - i gilydd
Kilhog - Ceiliog
Killi - Celli
Kivizh - cyffaeth
Klañv - Claf
Klañvour - Clafwr
Klañvdi - Clafdy

Mythologie Celte (7)

7) Au solstice d'hiver, Myrddyn (Merlin) le demiurge organise la traditionnelle céremonie de passation des pouvoirs: fameuse épreuve au cours de laquelle chaque chevalier essaie d'extirper Kaledfwlch (Escalibur), l'epée magique, insigne du Pouvoir; seul Arthur, encore adolescent, réussit, à la stupeur de l'assemblée des nobles qui se révoltent; mais avec l'aide de Merlin, Arthur les mate.

Monday 6 March 2017

Krennlavar (7)

An hani en deus kerc'h er forn er sant é kraziñ
Deus ' vez ar c'heuneud e vez ober tan
Prenañ keuneud zo re diwezhat pa vez ret c'hwezañ er biziad
N'eo ket gant keuñ e vez savet kleuñ (keuñ = keuz, kleuñ = kleuz)
Keuz a-raok ne vez ket a keuz war-lerc'h ne servij ket

Diarebion (7)

Hwy pery clod na golud
I'r pant y rhed y dwr
Lle ni bydd dysg ni bydd dawn
Fel y dyn felly ei anifail
Mam ddiofal a wna merch ddiog

Landmarks in Welsh history (7)

19th century: Massive exploitation of human and natural resources in Wales by English and anglicized capitalists. But Welsh people struggle for democracy and social justice - Rebecca Riots, Merthyr Rising, and Chartist uprisings in Newport, Llanidloes, etc.

Real Merthyr

"Gentlemen, I have seen during my many years residence in this town (of Merthyr Tydfil), several English families settled among us, who, notwithstanding their various grades of respectable intellect, still could not surmount their national prejudices and unjust animosities; hence, in their imprudence, uncharitableness and injustice, they have viewed our national habits and our indefeasible attachment to our ancient language with jealous unkindness...."
               Taliesin Williams, Merthyr schoolmaster, son of Iolo Morganwg, 1835

Triban Morgannwg (7)


Ffarwel i Gwmgogerddan
A thir Llathigan Fechan,
A Phwll-y-baw a'r Ffynnon-bant,
Ffarwel i Nantyrhogfan.

Hen Bennill (7)


Gwedwch, fawrion o wybodaeth,
O ba beth y gwnaethpwyd hiraeth;
A pha ddefnydd a roed ynddo,
Nas darfyddai wrth ei wisgo?

Rampage & Revel (7)

Harri Webb
Rampage & Revel
Prince Llywelyn (1282)

The winds are calling
Over the river
Calling a leader
Gone now forever.

The rain is falling
Falling for ever
Upon the leader
Whose days are over.

The forest's weeping
For his sake
The prince is sleeping
Who will not wake.

The stars are hiding
The moon is dark
About the hero
Who lies so stark.

The storm is crying
Over his grave
The land is dying
He could not save.

By the dark river
That moans aloud
He lies so silent,
The mist his shroud.

The green grass whispers
Beside the river
Your name, Llywelyn,
Shall live forever.

Annie Ebrel & Nolwen le Buhe

Latest Football Matches

Welsh sports

Merthyr's Finest: The Film

Howard Winstone


Jean-Claude Dreyfus, and Merzhin au bar Ty Elise



Our World; We are responsible for our children and our childrens' children

Music in Breizh/Bretagne

The Three Tenors

The Thistle & Shamrock; Welsh Roots

Too much Love can Kill You

Natalie, my favourite actress by far

Tribute to Natalie Wood

Elvis - Treat Me Nice

Elvis & Marilyn

Mahalia's Tribute to Elvis

Mahalia Jackson


Marilyn v. Brigitte

Pelé v. Maradonna

John Charles

John Charles

Denis Law

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25 of the Best

Real Madrid

Barbarians v. All Blacks 1973 - That Try

Try of the Century?

French Rugby Tries

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