8:15 Taxi, 9am appointment in Morlaix, left hospital at 3:20pm for appointment in Brest at 2:55pm, had to be put back, back at the house at 5:55pm ready for the district nurse and the blood-sugar level and 2 insulin injections. In the mean time I entered the hospital, was shown my 2 place bedroom with 2 televisions, then told to see the specialist, after a long wait, back to the bedroom where a nurse fitted me up with the line to be fitted into a box inside my chest to receive the chemo-therapy. Four hours later after having my bread roll, pork with rice, yoghurt and cheese, I finished my book at the same time as the treatment, but before I could leave a nurse handed me a bottle in a small bag I have to wear as it gradually continues emptying a chemical dose into my body for another 2 days; away in the taxi to the hospital in Brest, they were warned I would be late, 15 minutes later radio-therapy over I was back in the taxi for an hour's drive eastwards..